채용정보 상세 검색

B2B channel Specialist  (지원마감)
회사소개 글로벌 가전회사
상세요강 [담당업무]

B2B channel Specialist (대리~차장급)

Primarily you will be on the road building relationship with customers (Venders, Distributors, End customers).
You will be required to support & develop BtoB sales channel include Kitchen retailer (Hanssem, ENEX, Rivart etc).

· Explore built-in appaliance business opportunities in B2B channel.
· Develop direct project sales and new vendor.
· Drive kitchen retail market with current and new vendors.
- Build up business relationship with KCM retailers and capture opportunity.
- Excellent commercial operation for B2B channel including HQ and stores level.
- Work together with cross functional team as MKTG, SCM, POM, FA team.
- Maintain sales data and sharing market-insight
- Manage AR and AP

자격 요건

- 4년제 학사 이상
- 건설사, 주방가구사 영업 경력 보유자 (네트워크 보유자)
- 관련 경력 3년 이상 경력자. (B2B가전제품 영업 경력)
- 중급 영어 가능자
기타사항 학력:대졸이상, 외국어:영어
담당자 담당컨설턴트: 김철현 전무
연락처: 02-733-9924 /
이메일: kchyun@linknscout.com
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채용정보안내 B2B channel Specialist  (지원마감)
담당컨설턴트 김철현 전무
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Right People, Right Roles, Right Time

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